[vox] [hereon2003@yahoo.com: [svlug] Come help people & computer the Debian Booth at LWE 8/5-7 SanFran]

Bill Kendrick vox@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 1 Aug 2003 19:05:39 -0700

We're cool people (see below ;) )


----- Forwarded message from Hereon <hereon2003@yahoo.com> -----

Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2003 18:22:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: Hereon <hereon2003@yahoo.com>
Subject: [svlug] Come help people & computer the Debian Booth at LWE 8/5-7
To: svlug@lists.svlug.org

Debian will have a space on the exhibit floor at LinuxWorldExpo.  Come &
people the Debian space!  

We also would benefit from having some computing equipment in the booth to
demo stuff.  Bring a system!  (Anyone who has helped or lead an installfest,
Debian booth, or Debian demo is especially encouraged to participate, and
bring some equipment.  :) )   (If you know a company that sells computers
that run GNU/Linux, or is involved in any way with Debian, ask them if they'd
like to loan a system to Debian for the expo.  All loans or donations to
Debian are welcome.  (Hi Bdale! - Any suggestions?!  (HP is the .org pavilion
sponsor. :-)  ))  )

This (like much in the FSW world) is a DIY effort, so anyone who wants to
help (staff the booth, bring equipment, bring food, bring T-Shirts, bring
CDs, bring ...)  is hereby duly granted authority to do so.

1) Getting a location in the .org pavilion
2) Mailing list for coordinating LWE Debian preparations
3) A good idea? Open pavilion area.
4) A free Expo/Keynote/Features/BOF pass compliments of LWE sponsors

1) ===== Getting a location in the .org pavilion:

History:  I'm told that in past years Sean 'Shaleh' Perry was instrumental in
getting Debian a space in the Expo.  Props!  :)

When I found out recently a booth hadn't been finalized for Debian yet, I
volunteered to see what I could do to make arrangements for Debian.

I spoke with the exhibits manager for LWE who is responsible for handling
Debian, Frank Netherwood.  He's a cool guy and thinks it would be great if
Debian could have a space at the expo.  The spaces they have in the ".org
pavilion" have been assigned some time ago.  We both agree that it is likely
that if we ask one of the groups who has a space there, one would be glad to
share their space, since that has occurred informally before.

Frank, over the phone, listed to me many of the .org members.  They included
many community organizations & projects. I think some of the following would
be likely candidates for sharing space with Debian:

Because the spirit of the organization is similar to Debian:
FSF - The model for community sw sharing, & Debian is the biggest community

Because they are some of the SW used in Debian:

Because they are also a community distro:

Because they are probably cool people:

Frank sent a message to the FSF's booth organizer for me, asking if they
would mind sharing some space.  I think that would be a great combo, but they
have so many important things to communicate, I suspect they need all the
space they will have.

Frank & I concurred the best way to proceed at this time is to contact the
other .org pavilion members at the show Tuesday morning & make arrangements

So that is what needs to be done as of now. 

I will do that as soon as I arrive on Tuesday.  If you get there before me,
feel free to volunteer yourself to make such arrangements with any willing
.org group.  :)

(If .org members go with the idea of having a big community space, rather
than separate booths (see below), Debian should be able to just set up a
table in there.)

2) ===== Mailing list for coordinating LWE Debian preparations

Since the San Francisco Bay Area is the location of this LWE, I hereby
volunteer the Bay Area Debian mailing list as the list to use to coordinate
anything necessary regarding Debian at this LWE.

You can read the current archives here:
To be allowed direct posting priviliges to the list, sign up for the list

(If you don't sign up for the list, you can still post to the list, but the
posting won't go out until the list moderator reviews it.)

3) ===== A good idea? Open pavilion area:

Frank & I  also talked about how it might be a cool idea to remove the
interior dividers between .org booths, enabling both visitors & booth
staffers to mingle between booths more easily.  That is more in line with the
pavilion & general GNU/Linux community spirit.  The walls are great for
companies that want to create divisions & have their own space.  GLDFSW is
more about bringing down walls, collaborating  & sharing.

This is something I will mention to the .org members when I speak with them. 
If you are a member of one of the .orgs there, you might mention it to the
other members of your group.  :)   (Just remove the back & side dividers on
your booth, opening the area up, allowing people to move & communicate more
freely, without barriers.)

Wouldn't it be better if the pavillion was an open area, wander around
inside, with various tables & chairs for the different groups?

(Some considerations Frank mentioned were that the Expo setup people have the
expectation of the aisles & booth #'s, for assigning groups locations, for
running power & data cables along the "backs" of the assigned spaces, and for
running walkway rugs down the aisles.  -  Most of that could be compatible
with an open area for the booths.  There is also some kind of covering for
power & data cables that can be placed over said cables on the floor so
people don't step directly on them.)

4) ===== A free Expo/Keynote/Features/BOF pass compliments of LWE sponsors:
Will be sent to this list after this email.  (If it gets through the SVLUG
mailing list sw.)  It is a pdf attatchment.  192 KB
Print it out before you come to LWE.

Do you know a government administrator or politician who would like to ensure
your local community is not left behind in obtaining the benefits of the
FSW/GNU/Linux/Debian community?  Invite them to attend & use this free pass. 

Please forward this to any place you think relevant.

C-U-There.  :)

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