[vox] i will never again complain about DSL prices in davis

Jeff Newmiller vox@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 31 Jul 2003 16:00:29 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 31 Jul 2003, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

> just checked broadband options in my new area in new jersey
> (plainsboro).  it's awful.
> cable through comcast:
> $32/month till dec 03
> $45/ month after that
> max speed: 1.5Mb/sec

This sounds competitive.

> dynanic IP.  even their business plan is "quasi dyanmic" whatever that
> means.  this is a good speed at a nice price.  but i _really_ would like
> to have a static IP.
> DSL:
> ADSL 79.95/mo  with 5 static IP's

This sounds competitive, for the 5 IPs.

> DSL  159.95/mo with a static IP and 144 kb/s up/down speeds

This seems a little steep, but that is probably because it is actually
SDSL and can serve you at a longer distance from the central office than
ADSL can.

> unfortunately, the entire area code (!) of 609 can't get line based DSL.
> pfaw!  they're probably running crossbar switches...

I didn't know what a crossbar switch was, but when I googled it I found a
very nice description of the history of development of the phone
system. [1]

> the best option is wireless DSL, which goes at 1.1Mb/sec for $99.95/mo.
> unfortunately, the installation cost is $762 (which can be split if i
> can find other people who are willing to share the cost).  that goes
> beyond "ouch".  it's more like "kill me now".

"wireless DSL"? Sounds like one of those concessions to familiar
terminology like "DSL modem".  I am not familiar with typical costs for
such service.

> seems like wireless DSL is the way to go, if i can find other people to
> split installation.  other than cable, none of these options are cheap.

I would look for testimonials... wireless can have problems with

> i will never again complain about DSL prices in davis.   :(

Some communities don't even have the option of DSL.  At least you will. :)

[1] http://www.users.cloud9.net/~stark/ct11.pdf

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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