[vox] browser comment (again)

Peter Jay Salzman vox@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 30 Apr 2003 10:58:47 -0700

not to be wishy washy or anything...

opera 6 was faster than galeon (and totally blew away mozilla and
netscrape), but seemed to get more and more unstable with each release.
so i switched to galeon, and was pretty darn happy with it for about 4

however, i don't like the direction that galeon 2 is headed.   i'll be
darned if i install 30MB worth of libraries for one application (i
don't use GNOME or KDE at all).  so i tried opera 7.

seems extremely stable, but what's more, it totally blows away opera 6
in terms of rendering speed (and hence blows away galeon which itself is
faster than mozilla and netscrape).

latency (which i never liked on galeon) is a non-issue.  you can do
things like scroll the page and start typing into a text entry form
while the page is still rendering!  there's almost no latency.  you can
lots of browser operations while the page is still coming down the wire.
it's amazing.

anyway, seems like a very worthwhile browser.  thought i'd share my
experience.   and my cat is on the opera website:



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