[vox] RoseLUG Linux installation workshop official announcement

Marc Hasbrouck vox@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 19:30:52 -0700 (PDT)

RoseLUG is presenting a Linux installation workshop on
Saturday, April 26.

Location: Wellspring School on Sunrise Ave., near Oak
Ave. in Citrus Heights.

Time: Presentation starts at 10AM. You'll want to come
earlier to get a seat.

Presentation subject: What you need to know to install

Don't let the title make you nervous. It's the same
kind of stuff you need to know for any OS install. The
presentation should be fairly short.

In addition, we'll have RedHat 9.0 CD's available and
a burner to make more. RedHat 8.0 will be available
for burning as well. These will include all three
Binary CD's and the Documentation CD. If you want the
source CD's, you'll need to download and burn them
yourself. The cost for a copy is 4 blank CD-R's. 

If you bring a system to load linux on, you need to
bring the CPU, monitor, keyboard and mouse. We don't
guarantee we can make it work, but we'll make a best
effort. If you want to set up a dual boot system,
please back up your harddrive and run defrag on it
before hand.

Marc Hasbrouck

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