[vox] [news@oetrends.com: Open Enterprise Trends_April 15, 2003]
R. Douglas Barbieri
Tue, 15 Apr 2003 16:11:06 -0700
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Of interest is the "University Revs Open Source To Replace Middleware"
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Open Enterprise Trends =20
The Open Source Portal for Enterprise Developers
April 15, 2003 www.oetrends.com
(To unsubscribe see link at bottom)
Top Stories
o Inside WS-Security: Setting Core Foundations, Next Steps
o University Revs Open Source To Replace Middleware
o Open Source Project Foils Credit Card Fraud
o Database Vendors Agree on XQuery, Tests and Code Coming
o Eclipse R2.1 Improves External Tools Support, Editors
o The O'Reilly Factor: Inside the Workings of Rotor =20
Inside WS-Security: Setting Core Foundations, Next Steps
As thousands of security professionals meet at RSA's Security Conference=20
this week in San Francisco, OET takes an in-depth look at WS-Security,=20
how developers should use it now and what steps are coming next for=20
ensuring end-to-end interoperable security. OET spoke in depth with=20
Microsoft's Director of Web Services Technical Marketing, Steven Van=20
Roekel to get the outlook.=20
[FULL STORY] http://www.oetrends.com/cgi-bin/page_display.cgi?199
University Revs Open Source To Replace Middleware
Developers at the University of Illinois are creating an ambitious=20
Open Source alternative to expensive and proprietary ERP/EAI middleware.=20
The OpenEAI Project is now releasing its work to developer review.=20
Modeled after Apache, the project sports templates, business workflow=20
rules and components for Java, XML and ERP APIs. OET spoke with the=20
OpenEAI founders of the project to give you a closer look, and let=20
you download the code and documentation.=20
[FULL STORY] http://www.oetrends.com/cgi-bin/page_display.cgi?198
Open Source Project Foils Credit Card Fraud
An Open Source-based package for securing credit card information over=20
the web for an online casino may cut the risk of using Open Source in=20
your enterprise. See how senior developers at Lokitech have built an=20
encrypt/decrypt solution for both .NET and Java sites using Crypto++=20
Open Source libraries.=20
[FULL STORY] http://www.oetrends.com/cgi-bin/page_display.cgi?197
Database Vendors Agree on XQuery, Tests and Code Coming
Despite database vendor disharmony over web services workflow, they=20
do agree on something: XQuery, a proposed standard for querying XML data=20
and documents. Last week, the W3C began reviewing a test suite for XQuery.=
Even though the work was done by Microsoft/IBM, Oracle, Informix are=20
climbing onboard, and IBM has even released code for its first proposed=20
XQuery-compliant tool.
[FULL STORY] http://www.oetrends.com/cgi-bin/page_display.cgi?196
Eclipse R2.1 Improves External Tools Support, Editors
This week, the Eclipse Consortium released its latest upgrade, with=20
features that improve the development platforms ability to work with=20
external tools and libraries, including support for Ant and better=20
navigation support. See the features and get a download.
[FULL STORY] http://www.oetrends.com/cgi-bin/page_display.cgi?195
The O'Reilly Factor: Inside the Workings of Rotor
The first book on the inside operations of Rotor, Microsoft's=20
Shared Source CLI was issued this month by O'Reilly. For a=20
close-up view of how developers and researchers/designers can=20
leverage the CLI, OET spoke with co-author David Stutz, a member=20
of the core design team for the .NET Framework. He offered us=20
some keen insights, templates and code samples.=20
[FULL STORY] http://www.oetrends.com/cgi-bin/page_display.cgi?194
Open Enterprise Trends is a bi-weekly newsletter aimed at helping=20
developers "bridge the gap" between Open Source and commercial solutions
Open Enterprise Trends www.oetrends.com
622 Edgewater Boulevard Foster City, CA 94404
Editorial Contact: Vance McCarthy vance@oetrends.com
Sponsorship Contact: Dan Zebroski sales@oetrends.com
If you wish to unsubscribe from this newsletter=20
click here. http://www.responsetrack.net/remove1/?10F1005IBCN
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R. Douglas Barbieri
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