[vox] BASIC Stamp under Linux
Rod Roark
Tue, 8 Apr 2003 14:22:50 -0700
I was going to ask "what's a BASIC Stamp?" but finally found
the answer here (sorry if it wraps):
So now I'll just ask, what are they good for? :-)
-- Rod
On Tuesday 08 April 2003 02:07 pm, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> BTW, I dropped by Brian Lavender's place yesterday, and noticed a BASIC
> Stamp sitting on his desk. I ended up hanging out for a few hours and
> working on the code with him, and we got his Linux box talking to it
> sucessfully!
> I then stayed up way too late last night cleaning up the code some.
> It's online here: (We'll be setting up a SourceForge project soon)
> http://www.saclug.org/projects/bstamp/
> It uses the 'tokenizer.so' shared library from Parallax (binary only)
> to tokenize the PBASIC. The tokenizer application is just their
> "stampapp.cpp" source, scaled down so that it doesn't display 1000s of
> lines of uninderesting gibberish, but rather just dumps the final results
> to a file.
> Then the "run" program we made talks to the serial port, does some initial
> communications with the BASIC Stamp (this part's still incomplete; it only
> recognizes BS2 models, at the moment, since that's what Brian has),
> and sends the program over.
> The stamp then begins running it, and the "run" program listens for any
> feedback from the serial port (e.g., PSTAMP code like "DEBUG "Hello!", CR"
> which is akin to "printf("Hello!\n");" in C).
> We successfully got it saying "Hello World" and blinking an LED light on
> and off. It's a great leap from "can't use it with Linux" ;^)