[vox] Report: Tonight's Google talk at SVLUG

Bill Kendrick vox@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 3 Apr 2003 01:58:55 -0800

Just a brief note, before I hit the hay:

We're famous!

  * LUGOD got a nice introduction by Don Marti when he had me come up to
    plug our next two meetings.  We also got a round of applause as I
    walked up. :^)  People /like/ us!  Whee!

The Google talk:

  * The fellow from Google is practically Buckaroo Bonzai!
    He's a neurosurgeon, and plays in a rock band.  All he's missing is the
    physicist and comic book hero parts. :^)

  * Said fellow (Jim Reese, Chief Operations Engineer at Google, to be exact),
    sounds like he's willing to trek out to Davis and do a talk!!!

  * The talk wasn't nearly as hard-core technical as I had expected it to be.
    It was much more down-to-earth, and that probably helped make it even MORE
    interesting.  (No falling alseep to 'here's a bunch of Kernel source' :^) )

  * The beginnings of Google are pretty funny...  machines stacked up in a rack
    with hard-drives screwed onto clear plexiglass and simply plopped right on
    top of the motherboard.  Total spaghetti cables for networking.


  * The room was pretty much packed.  I'm not sure how many seats they have
    there, but it was pretty much full.  Only little gaps here and there.

  * Three folks from Sacramento ended up going.
    One on his own (Brian from SacLUG) earlier in the day, and two
    others (semi-regulars at SacLUG and LUGOD).

  * Three folks from Davis ended up going.  (Emily, Dmitriy and me.)

  * Mike Simons, Daphne and Foo Lim made their ways there from various
    closer (Bay Area) locations.

  * Leigh Jin, the woman doing the study on Open Source at SFSU who came to
    a couple of recent LUGOD meetings, was there as well.

  * A fellow from Digeo was there, and asked how the talk went at Tuesday's
    LUGOD meeting.  He also mentioned that every time he sees an interesting
    LUGOD event posted to SVLUG's mailing list, he forwards it to a friend he
    knows out in Sac. :^)  Mmmm... free advertising!

Play Station:

  * Next month's talk at SVLUG will be Adam Bertsch from Sony, talking about
    the "Linux for PlayStation 2" kit.  (He spoke at LUGOD last year.)
    [ http://www.svlug.org/ ]

  * He also happens to be the may speaker at NBLUG up in Sebastopol.
    [ http://www.nblug.org/ ]

So, if you're interested in Linux on PS2, and you missed it at LUGOD, you've
got two more chances coming up. :^)

Anyway, goodnight!
