<div dir="ltr">I use Cygwin/X on a Windows box at work. Cygwin/X ties the X clipboard to the Windows keyboard, so the easiest way to get text out of X is to highlight it with the mouse.<br><br>Of course, most my time in X is spent shuffling characters through X -> Xterm -> screen -> ssh -> vim[1]. And vim, in my case, usually has vertical windows, a column of line numbers, and a column displaying folds. This means that mouse-selecting text out of a vim buffer will end up selecting a bunch of garbage, since Xterm mouse selection is character-wise, like 'Visual' mode in vim ('v'). Is it possible to make Xterm, or some other term perhaps, do block-select? ("Visual Block" in vim -- <C-v>).<br>
<br>[1] I mention this to explain why I don't use gvim, which can tie its paste buffer to Windows'. <br clear="all"><br>Thanks!<br>-- <br>Bryan Richter<br><br>