[vox-tech] In need of assistance with partition ownership adjustment, please

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Mon Jan 2 16:03:24 PST 2023


I don't think this is a matter of ownership, but rather encryption. Do 
you recall when you setup the OS what encryption settings you picked for 
this drive?
Does the drive in question contain any files you will miss? If not 
reformatting and remounting it would probably be the easiest solution.


On 12/27/22 15:23, Douglas Walter wrote:
> Hi folks. Happy end-of-2022 to you, and best wishes for a "fossy" New Year.
> In the fall, I set up a Dell laptop with Elementary Linux in a separate 
> hard disk partition from the Windows that it came with. (I got this as a 
> "salvage" computer from my then-work; I don't believe there was any 
> problem with the OS, I just had no desire to use it for my personal 
> computing.)
> In the setup, I made a separate partition for most of the storage space 
> on the HD, because it was recommended that the files for the OS be 
> apart. I did something wrong with ownership of that 174 GB storage 
> partition, though. I can "see" it as a disk named "174 GB Encrypted" but 
> I cannot access it. Consequently, I have enough room to send and receive 
> email, but not curate a lot of music or videos.
> The Elementary setup used GParted and I have downloaded a copy of it to, 
> potentially, run and make changes. But I don't know to what I should 
> change the ownership of the "Encrypted" partition; clearly, I should 
> change it to something I can access, but I'm pretty clear that I don't 
> understand the disk structure and permissions well enough to be sure of 
> what I'd doing.
> I would appreciate guidance. In particular, I'd love to get the kind of 
> access to expertise that used to be available at "Installfests" - 
> although I understand why LUGOD isn't running any of those now! If 
> someone is comfortable contacting me at this address, we can take the 
> conversation off the list - unless there are others who want to find out 
> how I climb out of this "HD hole." Thanks in advance.

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