[vox-tech] In need of assistance with partition ownership adjustment, please

Douglas Walter dawalter at dcn.org
Tue Dec 27 15:23:34 PST 2022

Hi folks. Happy end-of-2022 to you, and best wishes for a "fossy" New Year.

In the fall, I set up a Dell laptop with Elementary Linux in a separate 
hard disk partition from the Windows that it came with. (I got this as a 
"salvage" computer from my then-work; I don't believe there was any 
problem with the OS, I just had no desire to use it for my personal 

In the setup, I made a separate partition for most of the storage space 
on the HD, because it was recommended that the files for the OS be 
apart. I did something wrong with ownership of that 174 GB storage 
partition, though. I can "see" it as a disk named "174 GB Encrypted" but 
I cannot access it. Consequently, I have enough room to send and receive 
email, but not curate a lot of music or videos.

The Elementary setup used GParted and I have downloaded a copy of it to, 
potentially, run and make changes. But I don't know to what I should 
change the ownership of the "Encrypted" partition; clearly, I should 
change it to something I can access, but I'm pretty clear that I don't 
understand the disk structure and permissions well enough to be sure of 
what I'd doing.

I would appreciate guidance. In particular, I'd love to get the kind of 
access to expertise that used to be available at "Installfests" - 
although I understand why LUGOD isn't running any of those now! If 
someone is comfortable contacting me at this address, we can take the 
conversation off the list - unless there are others who want to find out 
how I climb out of this "HD hole." Thanks in advance.

Wag more, bark less
Doug Walter, home account, dawalter at dcn.org

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