[vox-tech] Test/Upgrade

Timothy D Thatcher daniel.thatcher at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 21:55:01 PST 2019

Hi Rod,

Primarily me now, I think.

What happened was that I discovered earlier today that ClamAV had
apparently been misbehaving and had tanked mail/listserv service
entirely, and for a few days, it turned out. I also actually ran an
apt update/upgrade and rebooted the server myself several hours ago,
and indeed it brought the mail server roaring back to life... which is
probably why you've been seeing all those messages suddenly, as it
tries to process through the backlog. Sorry about the blast of
mailer-daemon notices. How/where are you receiving them?

I'm still getting chunks of mail blasting in, myself, both daemon
notices and junk. I installed clamAV (and spamassassin, too) a while
ago when I was trying to clean up the mail server a bit. We have a
pretty severe incoming spam problem, and particularly the way much of
it is getting processed/procmailed out to me and other officers using
gmail and similar services has actually been kind of a serious
problem--and one that is going to need revisiting eventually. I'm up
for suggestions on the next move.


On Mon, Jan 7, 2019 at 9:29 PM Rod Roark <rod at sunsetsystems.com> wrote:
> Checking if this still works.
> To LUGOD admin(s): I started getting a ton of "Undelivered Mail Returned
> to Sender" emails from MAILER-DAEMON at lugod.org. It looked like ClamAV
> being outdated might have been an issue so I did an upgrade and
> rebooted. Not sure if that mattered though.
> Who's the LUGOD admin these days?
> Rod
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