[vox-tech] UC Davis VPN using openconnect

Aleksandr Michuda amichuda at ucdavis.edu
Fri Apr 19 22:32:32 PDT 2019

Hi! Just to be clear, are you saying you can remote into your work computer
from home with ssh using ipv6 as long as your connected to the library VPN?

On Fri, Apr 19, 2019, 10:23 PM Bill Broadley <bill at broadley.org> wrote:

> Good news, I just tried openconnect and it just worked.
> Left is my home machine on comcast in davis.
> Kona is my work machine on campus.
> bill at left:~$ date; ssh -4 kona
> Fri Apr 19 22:11:00 PDT 2019
> Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-47-generic x86_64)
> Last login: Fri Apr 19 22:11:00 2019 from
> is a campus IP (provided by the VPN) and is not my comcast
> IP.
> Same directions from my post in 2016:
>    sudo apt install openconnect
>    sudo /usr/sbin/openconnect --juniper vpn.library.ucdavis.edu
> Sadly they block IPv4 ssh (port 22) to the internet.  Gmail, youtube, and
> random
> sites seem to work.
> They however do not block IPv6 ssh to the internet... "Shhh. Be vewy vewy
> quiet,"
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