[vox-tech] Risks of upgrading past CentOS 6 supported PHP 5.4?

Dr. Larry Ozeran lozeran at clinicalinformatics.com
Wed May 18 20:58:49 PDT 2016

I am Googled out (repeatedly finding the same sites) and the impressive 
expertise on this list gives me high hopes that someone here has an 
answer or a reference.

I have found many sites talking about how to upgrade from PHP 5.4 (which 
appears to be the last CentOS 6 supported version of PHP) to later 
versions using webtatic. [https://webtatic.com/packages/php55/] What I 
have been unable to learn are the risks of doing so.

Does anyone know any downsides to using the webtatic PHP packages on 
CentOS 6?


Larry Ozeran
President, Clinical Informatics, Inc.
(530) 671-9244

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