[vox-tech] perl rename

Mark's tech help markindavis at hush.com
Sat Sep 12 18:00:07 PDT 2015

On 9/12/2015 at 2:06 PM, "Wes Hardaker" <wjhns156 at hardakers.net> wrote:
>I still use it?  Because it's wedged into my muscle memory and nothing
>else has shown me I need to move away from it to something better
>(unlike many other instances where I have moved to something better,
>such as bash, python, and emacs [/me ducks and runs for cover])

hmmr..  so let be sure on this-- you've moved *away* from these 3?  And here I've just taken a half-assed plunge into an online MIT course, "Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python" ..  (was a little distressed when Big Brother's own product, Chrome, was at the top of suggested browsers.. and of course the forums are full of Winblows boneheads.)  Anyways, I do recall having read negative viewpoints on Python from purist coders' perspectives..  would y'all suggest I just return to the K&R C of my school daze?  A Techdirt podcast was raving about how "node.js" is all the rage among startups.  Meh.

Shell programming is a 1950's jukebox - great if it has your song already.  --Larry Wall

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