[vox-tech] Overwhelmed with squid install on CentOS 5

David Spencer spencer at pageweavers.com
Wed Oct 31 16:01:14 PDT 2012

I'm trying to install squid on one of my CentOS 5 servers. To do this, I found a number of cookbook pages using google. Many of them looked like this one:


Installing squid was easy enough. When I got to the last part about updating the iptables file "/etc/sysconfig/iptables" with this:

-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -m tcp -p tcp --dport 3128 -j ACCEPT

that was easy because that file was empty. However, when I tried to restart iptables I got an error:

Applying iptables firewall rules: iptables-restore: line 1 failed

There's too many moving parts here. Do I have a syntax error in the iptables command or is there something else I just missed because it wasn't in the cookbook. Any guidance is appreciated.

-- Dave Spencer

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