[vox-tech] C++ problem

Richard Harke paleopenguin at gmail.com
Sat May 12 22:47:14 PDT 2012

My last post seems to have gotten lost so I'll try again.

I'm working on a small C++ program. In one of the constructors I
create an array with
double * var = new double [size]   After use, before exiting the
constructor I return the memory with delete [] var  But after return
from the delete, several private class variables are written over.
I have checked that these variables are correct just before the delete
call and are modified right after. Does anyone have any idea what is
going on?

I'm running debian squeeze for amd64  with gcc 4.4.5 This morning I
did an apt-get upgrade to be sure I had any recent fixes.

Richard Harke

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