[vox-tech] CalDAV

Peter Salzman p at dirac.org
Fri Jul 1 11:52:40 PDT 2011

On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 2:23 PM, Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> wrote:
> Quoting Peter Salzman (p at dirac.org):
>> Actually, this looks absolutely fantastic.  I can't figure out why
>> it's not practically an industry standard.  The main design goal is
>> interoperability with all calendaring clients, is BSD licensed, and it
>> looks very polished.  Thanks for mentioning this.
> Bedework is mentioned very briefly (but, sadly, not covered otherwise)
> in this April 2008 rundown on Linux groupware:
> http://www.linuxjournal.com/magazine/scalable-opengroupwareorg
> That article is mostly about one of the alternative implementations,
> SOGo aka ScalableOGo.
> These pages look pretty useful:
> http://caldav.calconnect.org/implementations/servers.html
> http://wiki.herzbube.ch/index.php/DAViCal

Thanks for the reading.  I'll check it out on my commute today.

I can't figure out why calDAV isn't more utilized.  Interoperability
of things like business card and contact sharing has really taken off,
but for any business or organization that has scheduled events (i.e.
nearly all of them) it seems ... weird that calDAV isn't more front
and center in an age where nearly half the US population has some kind
of smart phone.   Heck, even LUGOD could benefit by exporting a
calendar listing all meetings, installfests, one-off events, etc.
It's a way of pushing information to a target group rather than
requiring them to pull information (e.g. going to a website and
obtaining the info themselves).  It's right there on their phones.
Even things like event cancellations become less onerous.

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