[vox-tech] Apache: 2, Me: 0.

Troy Arnold troy-vox at zenux.net
Tue Feb 15 16:15:31 PST 2011

On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 03:27:01PM -0500, Peter Salzman wrote:
> But as to why the 3-way handshake isn't being fully established ...
> that would suck because I have *no* idea how to diagnose that sort of
> thing...

Hey, Pete-

netcat is the perfect tool for determining if the 3 way handshake is

On satan:
stop apache
# nc -l -p 80

from elsewhere:
nc dirac.org 80

if it works you'll be able to type stuff on either side and see it echoed
on the other (after hitting return)

At least at the end of this you'll know if your apache config is to blame.


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