[vox-tech] find not found

Bill Broadley bill at broadley.org
Mon Oct 25 18:04:30 PDT 2010

Oh, btw, might want to poke around in lost+found to see if there's a
file that looks like the find binary.

On 10/23/2010 11:00 AM, Rod Roark wrote:
> A strange thing happened last night around 10:09 pm.  I had just rebooted
> my home server (running Ubuntu 10.04), and then started getting emails
> from cron jobs saying this:
> /bin/sh: find: not found
> Sure enough, /usr/bin/find did not exist.  Brought up the Synaptic
> package manger and learned that findutils was indeed installed, and
> that /usr/bin/find is one of the files that it installs.  Somehow this
> file had simply disappeared.
> It seems that installing packages requires find, so I ended up copying
> it over from another machine running the same distribution.  Then I
> forced a reinstall of findutils and all was good.
> Except I have no clue what happened.  Checking the logs did not
> turn up anything interesting.  Any ideas?
> Rod
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