[vox-tech] Looking for a Sunbird (Google Calendar) replacement

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue May 11 19:35:40 PDT 2010

Quoting Tony Cratz (cratz at hematite.com):

> While I understand that Lightning is really Sunbird it is
> not a standalone client. It requires having Thunderbird up
> and running.
> I really want a true standalone client which does not require
> any Internet connection, this is where Sunbird was a major
> win over Lightning.

Yes, I do understand your dilemma.

You could try seeing if you can hack the glue code so as to use just
what's needed from Thunderbird's own XUL / C++ / JavaScript / CSS to
support the Lightning XPI on top of Gecko (the Mozilla runtime).
However, I suspect that'd be way too much work, since Mozilla Foundation
(/Oracle Corp./whoever) appear to be targeting Outlook/Exchange schedule
event handling, and thus see scheduling as incidental to e-mail.

There was a time when I kept track of scheduling apps in Linux
development space (both client and server end), with a particular
interest in iCalendar support.  You can find that in my Web site's
knowledgebase in the obvious place (http://linuxmafia.com/kb/Apps, I
think).  However, I kept seeing projects wander off into some painfully
overengineered groupweare direction, rather than doing a nice, clean,
simple implementation, and became a bit disheartened, so my page on the
subject is a little out of date.

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