[vox-tech] NAS/Printer Server/Web Server?

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Thu Jun 24 18:25:55 PDT 2010

The NSLU2 looks interesting but doesn't seem to be available any longer.

The Sheevaplug seems on par with the Fit-pc I was looking at but also
appears to be a little obscure in terms of purchasing and sounds like
more work to just get the OS I want onto it since it's ARM based and the
Fit-pc is x86 compatible.

Anyone have any thoughts on connecting something like the following as
an external usb 2 drive hardware RAID?

I guess the other question, for a use case like this, infrequent copies
of data for backup does it matter if it's software or hardware RAID?
I kind of liked the idea of just popping in a drive and having build the
RAID without me doing anything.

Thanks for the conversation, it always seems so simple at first until
you get into the fact that there are lots of little details.


On 06/24/2010 05:22 PM, Michael Wenk wrote:
> If you don't care that much about hardware raid, then I'd suggest the NSLU2
> or the Sheevaplug.
> I use the NSLU2 myself, and run debian on it.  Its a mite slow, but it
> doesn't draw much power, nor does it generate a ton of heat.
> Mike
> On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Alex Mandel <tech_dev at wildintellect.com>wrote:
>> So I need to replace my dying NAS/Print server and was contemplating a
>> low power web server (5-10 watts) so I could stop leaving a
>> workstation/server on all the time.
>> Aside from the massive question of what to get, there's the tricky part
>> of should this be 1 device or 2?
>> It seems like a NAS with hardware RAID and 2-4 drives and 2-4 usb ports
>> would do the trick nicely, but I'm having a hard time finding out how
>> much power these things take and many of them seem to have custom linux
>> setups with oddities that would prevent me from saying running
>> apache/mod_wsgi/trac or plone (the 2 things I use for my websites).
>> Is the trade-off of a less flexible linux install for a simpler
>> printer/network share config worth it? (I've done a samba printer share
>> before but it took me several days to figure out)
>> Anyone have any suggestions about devices?
>> I've been poking at:
>> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822122022
>> http://www.amazon.com/fit-PC-Slim-Diskless/dp/B001L4I9HK
>> and some other similar stuff...
>> Thanks,
>> Alex

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