[vox-tech] Performance tuning for http file serving

Bill Broadley bill at broadley.org
Wed Apr 14 23:56:03 PDT 2010

On 04/14/2010 10:51 PM, Brian Lavender wrote:
> I would think that you need to tune your filesystem. How about this
> article on "On-demand readahead"
> http://lwn.net/Articles/235164/

Ah, I found this:

What I'd recommend is pick a design point.  Taking this graph:

Then the number of clients you plan to have simultaneously, set 
min_readahead so you can have a reasonable memory footprint and good 

Say you only had a single few year old single 1TB disk (like in the 
graph).  If you set min_readahead to 2MB the I/O system should be able 
to provide 60MB/sec.

You should be able to manage 60MB/sec, the default on my disk was 128KB, 
which would lead to a bottleneck 12MB/sec or so.

Next time my mirror gets busy (likely around the LTS release) I'll see 
if I can collect some real world numbers.

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