[vox-tech] Most efficient way to wipe hard drives

Darth Borehd darth.borehd at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 10:07:44 PDT 2009

This is what I've been doing lately. I boot with a Fedora 10 live CD.
Then I mount the hard drive and run

wipe -cifkr /dev/sda1

Then just for good measure, I repartition and reformat over it.

It seems to pretty much shred the files but it takes hours.  Anybody
have a faster and more efficient method?

The requirements:
* No cost and is usable in a business
* Securely erase so well that no proprietary information can be
recovered, by say an experienced attacker with thousands of dollars to
spend on equipment
* Require a minimum of interaction (to free technicians to work on other tasks)

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