[vox-tech] powersupply + capacitor whine when CPU is idle

Jeffrey Nonken jjn.lugod at nonken.net
Tue Feb 17 22:20:57 PST 2009

On Feb 16, 2009, at 1:57 PM, Dylan Beaudette wrote:

> The funny thing is that only some people can hear the whining sound.  
> Only
> seems to be younger people (better hearing?).

Younger people tend to hear higher frequencies. It also varies from  
person to person; my range is fairly normal but my hearing is more  
sensitive than average, whereas my wife's hearing is normal but she  
can hear farther into the ultrasonic. We both hear things other people  
miss, and occasionally one of us will hear something the other can't. :)

One of the things we hear that many others don't is monitors with  
loose coils. Damned annoying.

So, not strange at all.

Speaking of young people, I've heard stories of some of them using  
ultrasonic ringtones so adults can't hear them.

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