[vox-tech] looking for a new video card

Jeffrey Nonken jjn.lugod at nonken.net
Thu Feb 5 10:16:46 PST 2009

Unless you really need an upgrade, I'd just replace the fan. Much  
cheaper. Buying a new video card just because of the fan is like  
getting a new car because the ashtray is full. :)

On Feb 5, 2009, at 9:52 AM, Dylan Beaudette wrote:

> Hi,
> I had been hearing an annoying hum from my machine for a couple days  
> now, and
> took it apart this morning to find the fan on the video card buzzing  
> in
> place. Cycling the power resulted in a brief attempt at turning on,  
> and then
> the system shut off- as if there were an excessive power draw /  
> powersupply
> failure.
> Unpluggin the offending fan on the video card resulting in a normal  
> power-on,
> although now the video card is running hot. The card is :
> nVidia Corporation NV31 [GeForce FX 5600XT] (rev a1)
> I would like to stick to nVidia, as the accelerated hardware is  
> fairly well
> supported. Ideally a card without fan would be nice.
> An alternative would be to replace the fan on the video card. Does  
> anyone have
> experience in something like this? There are some resources on the  
> internet,
> but I thought I would also ask here.
> Finally, is there any potential for melt-down if I operate this  
> video card
> without a fan?
> Thanks!
> Dylan
> -- 
> Dylan Beaudette
> Soil Resource Laboratory
> http://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/
> University of California at Davis
> 530.754.7341
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