[vox-tech] Fwd: Sys Restore help and Installfest

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Sun Feb 1 09:05:54 PST 2009


So this is a Ghost issue; you're going to need to refer to the ghost
manual and help to do it properly.
My guess is that you don't need to partition or install anything and
just need to boot the ghost rescue software and do the restore from your
image. You will need to include the "Restore Master Boot Record"

You are correct, once you've done the ghost restore for windows it will
be time to do linux which is much easier and should be no problem for us
at an installfest.


Steven Weiss wrote:
> Thanks, Alex. Here's my situation:
> I've got images of my Windows XP partition (C:) and a separate data
> partition, both made with Ghost 10.0. I've also got backups of my
> Ubuntu partition made with Simple Backup you setup for me last year.
> My problem right now is that, after creating and formatting a
> partition from a new blank drive using a cloned WinXP-SP2 install
> disk, then restoring my image with Ghost, the restored Windows image
> won't boot. (I missed stopping the cloned install until it also loaded
> a lot of Windows files, but I thought restoring an image over it meant
> that wouldn't matter.) The first time I tried this, I created and
> formatted two extra partitions with Partition Magic, and Ghost
> restored the C: image to the wrong partition. The system wouldn't boot
> and complained of a missing DLL file. Then I deleted all the
> partitions with Partition Magic, created and formatted one partition
> with the Windows disk, and restored to that partition. This time, when
> the system didn't boot, it had a more general complaint about the
> operating system (I don't remember what.)
> A couple of options I selected for the second image restoration: (1)
> Set drive active for booting OS, and (2) Restore original disk
> signature. I did not select Restore Master Boot Record. I'm hoping I
> didn't mess anything up by restoring the original disk signature.
> I read on Ubuntu's site that I need to get my Windows system working
> first before setting up Ubuntu, but I can't get past this first part.
> Thanks again,
> Steve
> On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 5:24 PM, Alex Mandel <tech_dev at wildintellect.com> wrote:
>> Bill Kendrick wrote:
>>> Steven posted this to 'vox' from an address that's not subscribed.
>>> I'm forwarding it along on his behalf, and this seems to be a technical
>>> question, so I'm sending it to 'vox-tech' instead.
>>> Thx,
>>> ----- Forwarded message from vox-bounces at lists.lugod.org -----
>>> The attached message has been automatically discarded.
>>> Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 09:23:59 -0800
>>> From: Steven Weiss <scweiss at ucdavis.edu>
>>> Subject: Sys Restore help and Installfest
>>> To: vox at lists.lugod.org
>>> Hi,
>>> I had a working dual-boot system since an Installfest over a year ago,
>>> still running Gutsy, but the hard disk died. I'm looking for help
>>> getting my system running again ASAP. When will the next Installfest
>>> be? If not soon, any chance I can get some one-on-one help?
>>> Fortunately both WinXP and Ubuntu partitions along with a 3rd data
>>> partition are backed up, and I've got a new HD installed. But I
>>> haven't been able to successfully restore even the Windows image yet.
>>> (I saw Ubuntu's advice to get the Windows partition running first.)
>>> Thanks,
>>> Steve Weiss
>>> P.S. I normally subscribe to vox and vox-tech under
>>> stevew at bbenginc.com, but with my system down, this email
>>> (scweiss at ucdavis.edu) is much easier to access.
>> Steve,
>> We have not finalized a room yet for the installfest, I hope it will be
>> sometime in the next 2 weeks.
>> Addressing your specific problem, it depends on how you backed up your
>> drive. Could you tell us the method you used, or software. Without that
>> we can't give you good advice.
>> If it's really urgent we can probably work something out I think this is
>> what the LERT (Linux Emergency Response Team) is supposed to do, it's
>> just been inactive for lack of requests. If you're on campus I can also
>> make arrangements to help you during the week.
>> Alex

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