[vox-tech] hardware for linux or bsd based router?

Bill Broadley bill at cse.ucdavis.edu
Mon Mar 3 22:05:38 PST 2008

You didn't mention how much traffic you planned to handle, but I'd at least 
consider something like the linksys WRTSL54GS.  It's well supported by various 
linux distributions designed for use as routers/firewalls.

I like that particular model because is has 2-4 times the ram, storage, and
CPU of other models.  Not to mention a USB port if you want to add some 
storage or other devices (I was thinking of a webcam).

I suspect you could by two for fallover and still be cheaper than many other

Certainly not going to be as fast as some of the SBC platforms at 800 MHz and 
up, but possibly plenty, cheap, and reliable.  Not that the soekeris doesn't 
sound interesting, if anyone has additional details on the mesh networking
and the soekeris please post.

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