[vox-tech] postgrey is dangerous?

Larry Ozeran lozeran at clinicalinformatics.com
Mon Jun 30 22:56:26 PDT 2008

On 6/30/2008 at 12:49 PM Troy Arnold sent:

>On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 04:17:38PM -0700, Tony Cratz wrote:
>> 	So the bottom line is, using Postgrey now is just a waste of
>> 	computer resources and time. 
>Not at all true.  Have you actually run a greylisting system?  Tracked the
>spam volume before and after?  I'm responsible for mail services for a
>small web-dev and hosting company.  Our numbers show a typical mailbox
>getting roughly 5 percent as much crap through.

Thanks for the alternate viewpoint. I'll also present this info.



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