[vox-tech] Epson scanner and udev

harke rharke at earthlink.net
Sun Feb 24 18:47:21 PST 2008

I've googled and googled but have not found an answer.
I have an Epson Perfection 2580 Photo scanner. I had this working
some time in the past but I didn't use it for a few months and
then I updated my system to Etch (kernel 2.6.18-4-686)
This uses a special driver from avasys in Japan which has
a proprietary binary piece. That doesn't seem to be the
problem, though, as I was able to build and install. But it doesn'
work. I just get a message "Could not send command to scanner"
Also the file permissions and group do not get set according
to the iscan.rules file, though I've verified that udev
is reading it. I've been testing by changing ownership before
starting iscan so permissions are not the only problem. Other
devices that use udev are fine. (DVD reader/burner, usb
memory stick)

Can anyone point at some up to date documentation on udev?
Everything I've found on the web seems out of date or incredibly

Richard Harke

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