[vox-tech] task switcher

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Tue Aug 12 12:08:22 PDT 2008

On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 10:14:42AM -0700, Brian Lavender wrote:
> On Hardy there is Alt-Tab, but in fvwm2 I remember there is a list of
> tasks that you can select from a list on the screen. Is there a way to
> do the same in Gnome?

In KWin you can hit Alt+F5.  Maybe GNOME's WM does the same?
Is there a way to configure global shortcuts somewhere in GNOME?

FYIk, KWin also has (by default):

  Alt+F1 - Pop-up K menu
  Alt+F2 - Bring up Run dialog
  Alt+F3 - Pop-up currently-focused window's window controls (maximize,
           minimize, resize, move, shade, and all sorts of other goodies)
  Alt+F4 - close a winodw

This may've been Windows-influenced, I'm not sure.  (In which case, again,
GNOME may also mimick...)

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