[vox-tech] compiling cvs nv

Jimbo evesautomotive at charter.net
Sat May 19 19:14:31 PDT 2007

Jimbo wrote:
> Alex Mandel wrote:
>> Jimbo wrote:
>>> Greetings:
>>> My kde desktop has been crashing.  Found out that there wasn't 
>>> enough air going over my gpu.
>>> With this I searched and found a program called nvclock.  After d/l 
>>> via synaptic and trying it it wouldn't recognize my gpu (8800gtx).  
>>> I was fortunate to talk to the programmer in irc channel #nvclock in 
>>> which I have to cvs the updated nvclock then compile it.  With his 
>>> help he gave me the shell commands that then proceeded to unload a 
>>> whole bunch of files.  He had to go to bed so I didn't bug him on 
>>> compiling.
>>> I have tried to self teach myself how to compile (via googling) what 
>>> I have just d/l but finding that it is becoming a very huge obstacle.
>>> If someone has the time can someone please enlighten me?  I have no 
>>> idea where to begin.
>>> If this helps this is the shell imput/output: (had to d/l cvs)
>> The typical I don't know what I'm doing nor do I need to compile.
>> 1. Make sure you have compiling tools, on Ubuntu a package call 
>> build-essential has it all. gcc/g++ and all the other goodies.
>> 2. cd into the directory nvclock
>> 3. ./configure
>> 4. make
>> 5. make install or checkinstall(I prefer checkinstall as it makes a 
>> package for your system which makes it easy to uninstall later)- note 
>> checkinstall is different from your normal packages and it may or may 
>> not work on other people's computers, mileage varies and it's not the 
>> technically correct way to compile packages.
>> hope that helps,
>> Alex
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> [root at localhost jimbo]# cd /home/jimbo/nvclock
> [root at localhost nvclock]# ./configure
> bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
> [root at localhost nvclock]#
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had to d/l autoconf...lets try this again

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