[vox-tech] RE: [OT] MS Windows nice

Peter Jay Salzman p at dirac.org
Mon Jan 22 17:13:37 PST 2007

On Mon 22 Jan 07, 12:23 PM, Kevin Hrim <kevin.hrim at gmail.com> said:
> I'm  curious about why you say the Oracle DB is inappropriate for your task?
> I work with 10's of GB of financial data stored on my dual core laptop
> using WinXP/Oracle.  I don't have any problems with performance.
> It also helps that I teach Oracle Performance tuning :-), but out of
> the box you should have the tools you need to make it go.  (especially
> if it's the 10gR2 version of Oracle)
What I mean is that:

1. We have clients who want to run the software but don't have access to the
   DB in the first place.

2. It's the bottleneck of the application.  The data needs to come from a
   server from a remote network.  The data has to come down the wire.  It's
   not coming from localhost.

Hope this satisfies your curiosity.  :-)


How VBA rounds a number depends on the number's internal representation.
You cannot always predict how it will round when the rounding digit is 5.
If you want a rounding function that rounds according to predictable rules,
you should write your own.
              -- MSDN, on Microsoft VBA's "stochastic" rounding function

Peter Jay Salzman, email: p at dirac.org web: http://www.dirac.org/p    
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