[vox-tech] Apple & Linux

Harold Lee harold at hotelling.net
Wed Jan 10 17:27:48 PST 2007

Matin Hashemi wrote:
> Thanks for the detailed information..... I "thought" these virtual 
> machines (Parallels, VMWare, etc) work a lot slower. A few years ago I 
> used VMWare on my 800MHz AMD-based PC to write/run a few small 
> programming class projects and it was like 20X slower than when I 
> installed Fedora as a secondary OS. But I guess the world has changed 
> a lot :-) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanderpool
> I'm sure there is still some performance penalty. You said you are 
> using those softwares; How much slower is it when you run some 
> Win/Linux application in VMWare comparing to when you run it in a real 
> Win/Linux OS? like 10%? it would be awesome then.....

Another option people haven't mentioned is fink. The fink project 
provides many Free / Open Source Software (FOSS) programs for Mac OS X, 
so you would not really need the version compiled for Linux. It uses 
Debian's apt-get, which makes installing additional software very easy. 
Get this and install the X server from the OS X CD/DVD and enjoy a Unixy 


I've enjoyed using Q (the OS X version of QEMU), which is a free 
virtualization engine. Although officially alpha software, I've used it 
to run Solaris, Plan 9, Linux, Windows, BSD and FreeDos under OS X. 
Based on the documentation, it does not use the kqemu accelerator, so 
the performance is "about a 500Mhz PC in x86-on-x86 emulation." If you 
want better performance, I guess you'll need to buy one of the other 
products you've mentioned.


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