[vox-tech] count pixels

Wade Pinkston blata at bugs.osu.edu
Wed Feb 21 19:27:20 PST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Hello,  I need to process some images and count the number of pixes of a
given color.

A little background.  I want to take pix of leaves against a mat
background.  The leaves are then subjected to damage.  I'll then take a
duplicate photo.  Now what I want to do is subtract out the colors of the
leaf leaving only a two tone image.

I was hoping to find a way to then use ImageMagick or Gimp to count the
pixels of color so I can then get a percent change between the two images.

Does anybody know how to get ether of these two programs to give this type
of information.  Actually any software would be help full.

- --
Wade Pinkston

Ipsa scientia potestas est

32 bit graphical interface for a
16 bit patch to an
8 bit operating system internally coded for a
4 bit processor written by a
2 bit company that can't stand
1 bit of competition

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