[vox-tech] Audio Card Recomendation

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Fri Nov 17 16:50:47 PST 2006

I'm planning out my 1st experiment for school.
The plan is to record audio to a hard drive, hopefully in FLAC format 
using a
Anyone have recommendations for an easy to work with quality PCI audio 
card, two inputs would be optimal so I can have one mic for human 
audible sound and one for ultrasound (Can you alter the drivers to make 
some of the outs inputs?). But be resonable on price and power consumption.
I'm going to building a custom linux ("linux from scratch" or maybe just 
use Debian) so I'll take module and software recommendations too on how 
to pull this off.

An alternate plan is to use Mini-PCI type III although I imagine it'll 
cost me more in the end.

And no, this isn't actually my research question it's just a tool I need 
to get there.


PS: On a note from the last social - there is a lab on campus building 
remote controlled aircraft to take remote sending imagery with a real 
time feed to a google earth map overlay.

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