[vox-tech] wireless mess

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Mon Jan 16 16:07:22 PST 2006

Richard Crawford wrote:
> On Sunday 15 January 2006 22:49, Alex Mandel wrote:
>>The problem is that I can't get on my network with the card, I'm using
>>Network Manager (also from repo) and it sees my neighbors network and I
>>put my network info in, including WEP key and it just doesn't work even
>>if it says it connects it never pulls an IP. But thats not the biggest
>>problem, somehow in my monkeying about my interfaces file and the Ubuntu
>>network config I messed something else up. When I pop my "old card" back
>>in I can get on my local network but not past my router to the world. I
>>think I messed up something to do with the default gateway device or
>>gateway in general although it should come over DHCP.
> The same thing happened to me yesterday with my Kubuntu Breezy install; I 
> finally found that when both my wireless card and my Ethernet card were 
> enabled at the same time, I could not get out past my router.  When I 
> disabled my ethernet card from Network Manager, then everything worked fine.

Well I removed and reinstalled Network Manager using my wired net and 
that got my old card working again.

> Strangely, my ethernet card was still being enabled at startup, even though I 
> had configured it in Network Manager to not do so.  I finally just 
> edited /etc/networking/interfaces and commented out the eth0 section 
> entirely, figuring that since I rarely use the ethernet card, this wouldn't 
> be an issue; and if I did, I could always reenable it by hand in this file.
I attempted to clean up the interfaces file, but it doesn't quite seem 
like network manager stores it's stuff there, any idea where it keeps 
it's settings.

> Oh, I also ended up having to put the WEP key in /etc/networking/interfaces in 
> plaintext in order to get wireless working.
The big difference between using my old and new card is the key, on the 
old card I get prompted to unlock it from my password ring but my new 
card has never asked me to put the key in there even.

Well so at least one card works again. - Alex

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