[vox-tech] TCP wrappers

Cylar Z cylarz at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 14 13:16:01 PST 2006

Hey all,

I'm thinking of bolstering system security via TCP
wrappers - that is, configuring the hosts.allow and
hosts.deny file to control who can access my system.
(It has a static, public IP.)

Here's my question. If I set hosts.deny to "ALL"
(meaning deny all services to all users) then set
hosts.allow to (ALLOW FROM 198.34.xxx.xxx) meaning
allow users from 198.34.xxx.xxx to connect, how will
that affect those who try to access the server's

It's my understanding from books I've read that the
server looks at hosts.allow, THEN hosts.deny, meaning
that allow takes precedence over deny. However, the
texts don't say how httpd.conf factors in. There is a
setting in httpd.conf that controls "who can get stuff
from this server" as the comments say.

So my question is this. Do the settings in
hosts.allow/deny override the settings in httpd.conf?

Thanks, Matt

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