[vox-tech] apt auth question

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Aug 18 14:25:21 PDT 2006

Quoting Dave Margolis (dave at silogram.net):

> I googled around a bit and found this document: http:// 
> wiki.debian.org/SecureApt. However, I wasn't successful in my attempt  
> to find the signing key for my current repository: http:// 
> http.us.debian.org.
> If anybody can tell me the correct way to fix this error, I would  
> greatly appreciate it.

Current signing key should always be retrievable from here: 

(Of course, ideally you'd have gotten that from trusted installation
media, since having to worry about whether your DNS and routers should
be trusted to not fetch a non-official signing key somewhat defeats the
purpose of package signing.)

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