[vox-tech] Different HD, wacky MBR

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Sat Aug 12 00:12:11 PDT 2006

So I monkeyed around with some partitions, added one at the end from 
space I cut out of the last partition, with Knoppix.
I realize I should have done it in Ubunutu but forgot that I had gparted 
and qparted didn't want to let me make any changes.

Regardless it worked and everything works but during boot I get
"boot sector does not match backup..." and then it give cylinder 
descriptions I think. Linux has some issue with my sda5 which is my 
first partition in my logical and I use to keep my windows virtual mem 
but still can mount it and windows doesn't complain at all.

Any ideas how to tell linux to just make a new list.

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