[vox-tech] Automating web site interaction

Chris Jenks jenks at resonance.org
Mon Apr 10 11:58:31 PDT 2006

On Mon, 10 Apr 2006, Bruce Wolk wrote:

> Does anyone have a recommendation for some software that I can run as a cron 
> job to go to a specific website, autheticate itself on a login web page with 
> a userid and password, then go to a specific page on the site and mimick a 
> button click?
> Thanks.
> Bruce

   Dear Bruce,

   I've written software like that in perl. There are libraries available 
that do the form parsing and button clicking for you. I haven't looked for 
an application to do it, though. It seems like setting up the application 
would be as complicated as the programming anyhow. If you decide to go 
with perl, let me know and I will dig up some old sample code.



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