[vox-tech] emacs formatting

Peter Jay Salzman p at dirac.org
Fri May 13 10:19:07 PDT 2005

I can't resist...

On Fri 13 May 05, 10:06 AM, Charles McLaughlin <cmclaughlin at ucdavis.edu> said:
> Here is an example of how I like to format things:
> if(foo)
> {
>   doSomething();
> }
This is my preferred style as well.  I'm meeting more and more people who
prefer this style, so I think it's gaining popularity.  I have seen this

{ doSomething();

which is heretical.  ;)

> but in some situations emacs formats code like this:
> if(foo)
>   {
>     doSomething();
>   }

> apparently most of the world formats code like this:
> if(foo) {
>   doSomething();
> }
> That just doesn't work for me though. :)
I agree.  Doesn't float my_boat;  BTW, this is how you're supposed to code in
the Linux kernel.  The rationale is that it's still readable but conserves
virtual console rows, which at a standard 25, is at a premium.  But for
someone working on an xterm, it makes no sense to conserve the number of
lines you're using to display code.


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