[vox-tech] browser and mimetypes (I think)

Peter Jay Salzman p at dirac.org
Sun May 8 07:56:54 PDT 2005

There's an URL to a pdf download of an article published by Optics Letters.
I don't think anyone can access this because I'm using a Princeton
University proxy (and Princeton has a subscription to this journal), but the
URL is:


It doesn't look like a pdf.  I tried and tried to get the pdf to download
and display on Firefox on Linux.  I think perhaps it downloads OK but
Firefox doesn't know what to do with it, since it's a "cfm" file, whatever
that is, not a pdf file.

In utter frustration, I tried using Firefox on MS Windows and the pdf
displayed fine(!)

I can't boot into Windows every time I want an article from Optics Letters.
Is there a fix for this kind of thing?

If anyone's department has a subscription to this journal, the relevent info
is "Optics Letters", vol 27, no 8 (april 2002), pg 622 "Phase Measurements
of waves that obey nonlinear equations".


Every theory is killed sooner or later, but if the theory has good in it,
that good is embodied and continued in the next theory. -- Albert Einstein

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