[vox-tech] 2.6.x SMP kernel issues apparently resolved

Peter Jay Salzman p at dirac.org
Mon May 2 17:59:18 PDT 2005

On Mon 02 May 05,  1:33 PM, Richard Crawford <rscrawford at mossroot.com> said:
> My dual-p3 system has, for a very long time, been unable to use the smp 
> version of the 2.6 Linux kernel; when I tried it, the system would be unable 
> to communicate with either the network card (and I tried several) nor with 
> any USB devices.
> Today while installing Kubuntu on this computer, I had the same problem.  The 
> 2.6 smp kernel simply wouldn't let my computer talk to the network card or 
> the USB hub.  I finally hit upon this option for doing the installation:
> boot: linux noacip nolacip
> This apparently disables something to do with the interrupts, which I had long
> suspected was the problem.  Seems to work like a charm so far.

Is that acip or apic?


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