[vox-tech] Spyware For Linux?

Micah Cowan micah at cowan.name
Tue Mar 15 10:28:48 PST 2005

Bob Scofield wrote:

>A friend of mine was recently complaining that her Windows computer was too 
>slow.   She said it ran much faster after running a spyware program.
I have to assume that what your friend meant was spyware-/removing/ 
program, and that you mis-read the UCSC quote.

There is no way that running spyware can make your computer run faster.

And to answer your question: no, Linux most certainly does not need spyware.

One thing that I thought was pretty cool, is that Windows Updates for XP 
automatically checks for known spyware, and sends a fresh 
spyware-remover every month. Pretty neat! Of course, on Linux, I don't 
/need/ a spyware remover...


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