[vox-tech] [help@google.com: Re: [#19464334] Searching for dotfiles]

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu Jan 13 12:05:25 PST 2005

Quoting Ken Bloom (kabloom at ucdavis.edu):

> Here's google's answer:

It's obviously a boilerplate, canned response.  

If you want to pursue the matter, you'll want to follow up with "I
understand your need to use generic, prepared texts, but the one you
replied with in this case completely missed the point of my question.
The key to my question is the concept of Unix 'dotfiles'.  If you need 
help understanding what those are, why they're crucial, and why the
leading period necessary for relevant search results, please ask either
me or any of the vast number of Linux users working at Google."

In the meantime, it seems evident that the answer is:  No, there is no
way to unignore the dot, and Google evidently has no plans to fix this.

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