[vox-tech] Installing subversion from sid into a sarge box

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Jan 4 19:04:11 PST 2005

Quoting Jeff Newmiller (jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us):

> > APT::Default-Release "testing"; # to keep everything at sarge
> The comment on that line is wrong... it keeps everything at testing.  
> When Sarge becomes stable, changes from Sid will be held in check for
> awhile, and then when the change occurs you'll suddenly download all the
> backed up changes at your next apt-get update, and be off and running in
> the wild world of whatever the "testing" version is that follows Sarge.  
> I am pretty sure you should be able to use "sarge" instead of "testing" if
> you want to step off the freight train at that point.

The comment string is indeed inaccurate, and your point is well taken.

However, I'm always surprised at people saying they want to be on the
testing track prior to release, but not afterwards.  Why is that track
desirable today, but not after sarge's relese?

On the other hand, if he wanted to be on the stable track after release,
why would he want to be on a different track (testing) today?

Putting "sarge" in the /etc/apt/apt.conf line as Default-Release, or
specifying it in your /etc/apt/sources.list lines, means you're
(effectively) telling the system "I want to be on the testing track
until the exact moment of sarge's release, at which time I want to
suddenly jump to Debian's stable track.  Moreover, unless I reconfigure you,
I want to _stay_ with sarge after etch (3.2) becomes the replacement
stable release, and cease getting updates at all after sarge is
re-symlinked to old-stable and eventually mothballed to the archives."

Just a different perspective.

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