[vox-tech] Looking for recommendation: video capture/TV tuner

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Feb 18 09:51:55 PST 2005

Quoting Peter Jay Salzman (p at dirac.org):

> I want to convert all my VCR to DVD.  I also want to be able to capture
> TV/Cable stuff to file format.
> Of course, whatever I buy must be functional under Linux since that's the OS
> I'll be using it with.

There are fairly inexpensive outboard video-to-DV[1] converter boxes.  My
wife uses a Dazzle Hollywood DV-Bridge for this, and we lent it to our
friend Ross Bernheim, who used it extensively with his cheap Athlon
Linux box running kino, to do DVD mastering from his various analogue 
video sources -- and was kind enough to write up his experience:

"Consumer Video to DVD" on http://linuxmafia.com/kb/Apps/AV/

However, as my footnote at the bottom of Ross's HOWTO mentions, a lot of
people feel that Canopus Corporation's equivalent units are a bit better
for about the same price.

[1] "DV" is a conventional abbreviation for digital video.

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