[vox-tech] Re: vox-tech Digest, Vol 9, Issue 2

Peter Jay Salzman p at dirac.org
Wed Feb 2 13:02:17 PST 2005

On Wed 02 Feb 05, 12:50 PM, Norm Matloff <matloff at cs.ucdavis.edu> said:
> Concerning Firefox:
> For example, I discovered by accident that one can do a text search
> within the currently-displayed page by using the vi `/' command!  Yep,
> hit the slash key as one would do in vi, and Firefox will search for the
> text you type.

That's a stupendous find.  Thanks for sharing it.  Ctrl-f was cool, but this
is even more convenient!

I seemed to have stumbled on "escape" doing away with the find bar.  I was
wondering how to do that w/o a mouse...

> All that is nice, but I discovered it purely by accident.  I'm so used
> to using the / key to do searches in vim that I unthinkingly did so in
> FF, and thus stumbled onto this cool feature.

Ha ha ha!!!

I forgot to list another major annoyance for me: I'm so used to emacs style
editing in bash, that ctrl-u is burned into my brain as "clear line".
Unfortunately, it displays the page source on FF.  I've clicked away more
page sources than I care to admit.

I know it's possible to change FF keybindings to emacs style or even vi
style, but that requires reading, which I can't do ATM.


The mathematics of physics has become ever more abstract, rather than more
complicated.  The mind of God appears to be abstract but not complicated.
He also appears to like group theory.  --  Tony Zee's "Fearful Symmetry"

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