[vox-tech] Dealing with different UIDs and GIDs

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Wed Dec 14 19:06:55 PST 2005

On Wed, Dec 14, 2005 at 09:42:07PM -0500, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> NFS is a breeze to set up.  I couldn't imagine a home network without it.
> Unfortunately, it doesn't work well with VFAT/NTFS partitions.  So if your
> server has a C or D drive that you'd like to share with other systems,
> you'll have to find some way to export the directories other than NFS.

No Windows in our house.  I chose samba because I found 'howtos' for it
more quickly, plus someone, somewhere, on some forum said that it was
more suitable, at least for the needs I was looking at it for (music shares).

> Pete  (who is now listening to Sirius radio hooked up to his Linux box)

Cool.  I set up byRequest and can listen to our growing collection of
ripped CDs on the TiVo, or listen to audio streams (which we do 99% of 
the time).

It also supports satellite radio (XM?) devices hooked up to a Linux box,
and stream that over to the TiVo, too.

We could also do photos and yada yada... sorry, getting way off-topic.

bill at newbreedsoftware.com

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