[vox-tech] CPU stepping

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Wed Aug 17 10:20:24 PDT 2005

So, last night I went to remind myself how fast Melissa's Thinkpad T20 was,
and when I did "cat /proc/cpuinfo" I saw ~204MHz, which is about 500MHz
slower than I remembered it being. :^)

I also saw "stepping: 3", so I guess the thing had kicked down a few speeds
for power consumption.  The thing is, it was plugged in at the time.
I tried with both the 'good' and 'bad' (doesn't hold a charge very long)
batteries, to no avail.

When I got home with it, I tried rebooting it with power plugged in to see
if that made it happy.  Newp!

I know NOTHING about this kind of stuff, so started Googling and ended up
installing "cpufrequtils" and modprobe'ing some CPU-speed-related modules
(sadly, can't remember off-hand).

The "cpufreq-info" util and some files in /sys/ said possible frequencies
were 600000 thru 750000, and that it was at 750000.  If I set the freq. to
600000 and cat /proc/cpuinfo again, it listed ~168MHz.  Set it to 750000 and
it goes back to ~204MHz.

So, I'm able to change stuff, but I'm obviously not understanding
something, since cpuinfo never shows more than 204MHz.  Is there something
else I need to look at?

This is Debian Testing ('etch') running a 2.6 kernel.  I can post full details
some evening this week, when I have time and access to the laptop again.

Thx in advance for any tips in the meantime!

bill at newbreedsoftware.com

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